Photos Needed

5/16/2023 8:16 am

Senior Photo Montage - Photos Needed


We are collecting Senior photos for a montage, shown graduation week and again later posted for graduating students & parents.


We have many photos from school sporting events, the school play and the senior celebration activities;  if you have taken some of these pictures and don't think you have shared them with the senior celebration committee please reach out.  


We know that those pictures don't include everyone, and don't encompass enough of MHS experiences, so please send in a picture or two of your student having fun or participating in school competitions, etc.  Group photos preferred but not necessary, preferring pictures with MHS seniors and teachers.


Please note that not all photos submitted may be able to be used but we'll try our best to include all seniors in the montage - and we can't do that without your help!


Share photos of seniors for the End of Year montage by emailing them to or texting to 973-525-7866Deadline for submission is May 25th.


Note:  Preferred format is jpeg, screen shots have poor picture quality and may not be used. Thanks!


Thank you!

The Senior Celebration Committee







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