2023 MHS Yearbook Information
11/15/2022 9:33 am

Dear Senior Families,
Please see below for a reminder of the options for participating in the 2023 award-winning edition of the Millwheel Yearbook.
1) Order a yearbook - Ordering a yearbook is voluntary, however, there is a yearbook signing party at the end of the year. Please consider purchasing a yearbook. Sales are open now until February.
2) Purchase a yearbook ad for your Senior - Celebrate your Senior with a special collage and message. The pages are filling up fast, so order now to reserve a spot. Click HERE to see what options are available.
3) Remind your Senior to please submit a baby picture for the baby picture page in the yearbook by November 18th. The picture should be from age 3 or younger and be sent to mhsbabypictures@g