MHS PTO Teacher Grant Application


Mini-grants are funds from the PTO that benefit the children in the MHS community and assist teachers by providing resources they do not normally have access to.  Mini-grants can be for equipment or learning materials provided that it directly benefits the students. Multiple mini-grants can be submitted, but each mini-grant request is limited to $1,000. Requests for gift cards are discouraged; the PTO would prefer to reimburse for actual expenses or pay the invoice directly. Items above $1,000 may qualify for Millburn Education Foundation Grants.  MEF Grant Season opens in February.      


A copy of your submission will be sent to Dr. Miron for his approval. 

Requests will be discussed at the next PTO Executive Board meeting. 

You will be notified of a decision by email.



Create a title that will briefly communicate the focus of this grant application.

Please describe your request with specific information about the purpose and benefit to MHS students: 

Explain when the item(s) requested will be used in the classroom. Be as specific as possible. How long will the item(s) be used at any one time? This information helps us understand how quickly you will need the item and whether it can be shared with another class.